


【2次募集】「学びの継続」のための『学生支援緊急給付金』について [ Second application] About


広島大学 県立広島大学 広島市立大学 エリザベト大学 比治山大学 広島国際大学 広島経済大学 広島工業大学 広島修道大学  広島女学院大学 広島文化学園大学 福山大学 広島商船高等専門学校


Due to the spread of the coronavirus, part-time job income has drastically decreased, and "student support emergency benefits" are being given to university students (including international students) who are having financial difficulties such as with the payment of rent or tuition.

You will be able to apply for these emergency benefits through the school you are enrolled in. Please make sure to check the school website, bulletin board, etc., so you do not miss the application period.


1 事業の概要 Description
Due to the spread of the coronavirus, a significant decrease in household income and part-time job income has caused a significant economic impact on student life. This is a system in which financial aid is offered to students who are financially struggling, so that they may continue their studies.

2 募集時期 Application period
Applications will begin to be accepted at each university in sequence beginning on May 19th.Please be sure to confirm the application deadline date with your school and be careful not to miss the application period.

3 支給金額 Payment amount
 住民税非課税世帯の学生等 20万円 
 Resident tax exemption household student 200,000 yen
 それ以外の世帯の学生等  10万円
 Students from other households: 100,000 yen

4 支給対象 Targets of payment
 ① 国内の大学(専攻科,別科及び大学院を含む。)
Domestic universities (including non-degree graduate courses, special courses and graduate schools)
 ② 短期大学(専攻科・別科を含む。)
Junior colleges (including non-degree graduate courses and special courses)
 ③ 高等専門学校(第4学年・第5学年及び専攻科に限る)
Colleges of technology (limited to 4th and 5th years and majors)
 ④ 専門学校(専修学校(専門課程(上級学科を含む。)))
Professional Training Colleges (Specialized Training Colleges (Postsecondary Course (including advanced courses)))
 ⑤ 日本語教育機関(法務省告示の日本語教育機関のみ)Japanese educational institutions (only Japanese educational institutions announced by the Ministry of Justice)

 ※留学生も対象になります。* International students are also eligible.

5 申込に必要な書類 Documents required for application
    [Form 1] Support emergency benefit application form
    [Form 2] Pledge regarding requirements for receiving student support emergency benefits

 Documents certifying that payment requirements are met (as per 6)

 ※ 参考→ 申請の手引き 
 * Reference → Application guide

6 支給対象者の要件(基準)及び提出書類Requirements (standards) and documents to be submitted
This project is required to cover school expenses of students who are living in an independent household and paying for tuition through part-time jobs, etc., and that due to the impact of the spread of the coronavirus, that job’s income has been greatly reduced. However ultimately, your university will make the final judgement based on the application details.
Regarding international students, you must satisfy the following ① to ⑥.

Requirements (standard)
① 家庭から多額の仕送り(年間150万円以上(授業料を含む))を受けていない。

You do not receive a large amount of remittance from your family (more than 1.5 millionyen per year (including tuition)).           

Enter the remittance amount (annual amount) on the pledge (form 2)
* If a 1st year, fill in the amount of remittance planned for your first year. If a 2nd year or above, fill out the amount of remittance received in 2019. 
・Copy of deposit and savings passbook (optional)
② 原則として自宅外で生活している。(生活維持者のもとを離れて家賃を支払って生活している。)

In principle, I live independently. (I live away from guardians etc. and make my own living and pay my own rent)


・Copies of rental contracts for apartments, proof of most recent rent payment, certificate of residence, etc.
③ 生活費・学費に占めるアルバイト収入の割合が高い。

The disparity between part-time work income to living expenses and school expenses is large.


Enter the pay (annual amount) of the part-time job on the pledge (form 2)
* 1st year students, enter your expected part-time job annual income. For 2nd year and above students, enter your part-time annual income amount for the 2019 fiscal year.

④ 家庭(両親のいずれか)の収入減少等により,家庭から追加支援が期待できない。

Additional support cannot be expected from family due to a decrease in their income as well (either of the parents).

Certificate of receipt when receiving other public support measures related to measures against the coronavirus (when possible to submit)
Or fill in the circumstances on the application form under the section“3. Sending matters”

⑤ コロナ感染症の影響でアルバイト収入(雇用調整助成金による休業補償を含む)が大幅に減少(大幅に減少した月が前月比50%以上減少)している。

Part-time job income (including leave compensation by the employment adjustment subsidy) has decreased significantly due to the impact of the coronavirus (decreased by 50% or more from the previous month)

・Copies of salary details from the part-time job or the bankbook of your transfer account (optional), etc. (things that can show a decrease in the two months following January of this year)
⑥ 新型コロナウイルス感染症の拡大に伴い,経済的に困窮していることに加えて,以下の要件を満たすことが必要です。(留学生のみ)

With the spread of the coronavirus, it is necessary to meet the following requirements in addition to being in financial trouble. (For international students only)
1)Must have an excellent academic record. Specifically, the grade evaluation coefficient for the previous year must be 2.30 or higher.
2)The monthly attendance rate is 80% or more.
3)The average monthly remittance is 90,000 yen or less. (Admission and tuition fees are not included.)4)Annual income of dependents residing in Japan is less than 5 million yen.

・A copy of the deposit and savings passbook of the transfer account where you can check the amount of remittance and the dependents' annual income.


7 申込の流れ Application process

 ① 留学生等が申込関係書類の作成し,必要書類を学校へ提出
International students create application documents and submit required documents to the school
 ② 大学等での審査
Screening at universities
 ③ 学生等の推薦リスト・口座情報を大学等から日本学生支援機構に提供
The universities provide the Japan Student Services Organization lists of recommended students and students’ bank account information
 ④ 日本学生支援機構から学生等へ振込
The Japan Student Services Organization transfers the money to the students

8 支給方法 Payment method
  Transfer to the account in the name of the applicant.
9 問合せ先 Contact
  If you have any questions, please contact your school.

At this time (2020.5.23), the following universities have been confirmed to be posted on the website. For details, please contact the university directly.

広島大学 県立広島大学 広島市立大学 尾道市立大学  福山市立大学 広島修道大学 広島経済大学  広島女学院大学  比治山大学 エリザベト音楽大学 広島国際大学 広島工業大学 近畿大学工学部 福山大学 福山平成大学


